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Office of Institutional Advancement

What We Do

The Office of Institutional Advancement pursues funding through a broad spectrum of public and private resources that support our strategic plan and aligns with the long-term vision of Keystone College.

  • Engages faculty, staff and administrators in identifying and prioritizing key funding needs
  • Identifies and solicits foundation, corporate, and other private funding sources that have capacity to make gifts that match Keystone’s needs
  • Works with local, state and federal government entities to secure resources that bring benefit to the College, its students and the surrounding communities
  • Facilitates creation of funding proposals that match funder interest and reflect College priority
  • Coordinates stewardship by assuring ongoing communication and responsiveness to funder requests
  • Develops and sustains relationships that are productive, long-lasting, and mutually beneficial

Questions about giving?

Contact the Office of Institutional Advancement

Staff Contact List

Tim Pryle
VP for Enrollment, Institutional Advancement, and Marketing

Carolyn Crowley
Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs

Keely Boles
Program and
Advancement Generalist